

Att äta mer växtbaserat och mindre djurbaserat bidrar till att sänka växthusgasutsläppen.

World Resources Institute (WRI) (2019). Creating a Sustainable Food Future. A Menu of Solutions to Feed Nearly 10 Billion People by 2050. How to Sustainably Feed 10 Billion People by 2050, in 21 Charts | World Resources Institute (wri.org)

Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change.pdf (cgiar.org)

Hälsosam växtbaserad mat kan motverka flertalet icke smittsamma sjukdomar.

Mikkilä V, et al. Consistent dietary patterns identified from childhood to adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Br J Nutr. 2005; 93(6):923931. 

Wang Y, et al. Tracking of dietary intake patterns of Chinese from childhood to adolescence over a six-year follow-up period. J Nutr. 2002 Mar 1; 132(3):430–8. 

Singer MR, et al. The tracking of nutrient intake in young children: the Framingham Children’s Study. Am J Public Health. 1995 Dec; 85(12):1673–7. 

Northstone K, Emmett PM. Are dietary patterns stable throughout early and mid-childhood? A birth cohort study. Br J Nutr. 2008 Nov; 100(5):1069–76. 

Varje år serveras 160 miljoner liter subventionerad komjölk i skolor runt om i Europa via EU:s skolmjölksstöd.

The European Commission, School scheme monitoring report summary – 2017/2018 school year, 

The European Commission, School scheme monitoring report summary – 2018/19 school year, 

The European Commission, School scheme monitoring report summary – 2019/2020 school year, 

EU vill nämligen uppmuntra konsumtionen av mejeriprodukter bland barn, genom att sätta smakpreferenser i tidig ålder 

Lex Europa, article 1 Scope and definitions 1. 

Samtidigt har EU högt ställda klimatmål som bland annat ska uppnås genom att öka konsumtionen av växtbaserat.

Farm to Fork Strategy, European Commission, 
