Soft Serve Vanilla

OMG!! It’s classic vanilla soft serve made without dairy!! Yeah, four exclamation points plus an OMG might seem like an over-the-top amount of grammatical excitement for this product but actually, we were totally holding back because without a drop of dairy in sight, this innovative step forward in food science somehow provides the cold, creamy texture and smooth vanilla flavor you’d expect but at the same time would never expect, because have you ever, until this very moment, heard of soft serve made from oats?!!



Oatly Soft Serve Vanilla 64oz

What's Amazing

Delicious non-dairy soft serve, that’s what. So maybe you’re thinking our web team has made a mistake, because a random carton has invited itself onto the soft serve product page. Actually, that is the correct but boring carton which contains the oat-based liquid that will one day take off its glasses and become our amazing creamy frozen vanilla soft serve. All it needs is a forward-thinking person to pour it into a soft serve machine (not included). But if you still find the product image disappointing, just picture a cone filled with the frosty vanilla swirl you keep in the corner of your brain filed under perfect summer experiences, if that doesn’t feel like too personal a request.

What might be less amazing

Okay, this is awkward. We don’t really have anything notable to list here other than the super obvious fact that this product has sugar but everyone knows that soft serve has sugar so that is hardly worth mentioning which is too bad after you have gone to the trouble of finding this webpage and even seem to be going all in on reading clear down to this part ‘below the fold’ as the web team likes to call it. So if you do try this product and discover something less amazing about it, please leave your review below and maybe we can use it in this section so that no future soft serve webpage readers will have to be disappointed.

If you see this soft serve out in the world, try it. Seriously. Sprinkles are cool, but not required.

More about this product

  • I hate Oatly but I don’t know how to put it in words.

    You sound like the person our digital media specialist was referring to as the “target demographic” for this site:


Where are the ingredients?

Since our ingredients often differ slightly between markets they are not available on the global site.