This is how we make our oat drink:

Pardon us if we use technical language for a moment, but we are enthusiastic about our unique manufacturing process! Thanks to the process, we can retain the loose oat fibers (the beta-glucans, as you may know) in our products. In fact, we have a patent on this. We are proud to say with our heads held high.

1. Milling

During the first stage of the process, we mix oats with water and mill the soft mixture in our milling room.

1. process milling
2.process enzyming

2. Enzyming

In the enzyming tanks, we add natural enzymes that break the oat starch down into smaller components, like maltose (also called malt sugar), which sweetens our products naturally.

3. Separation

During the separation, we remove bran, that is to say, the loose shells from the oats. That leaves the loose fibers, the beta-glucans. Now we have our oat base, an excellent source of nutrition. It contains macronutrients from the oats, in other words, protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

3.process separation
4.process ingredience


We add different ingredients, depending upon the product we are manufacturing. It may be rapeseed oil, calcium and vitamins. 


We heat-treat the products prior to packaging – with UHT or pasteurization – to extend the shelf life.

5.process heattreatment
6.process homogenizing

6. Homogenizing

Once the product has been heat-treated, the fat droplets are broken down into smaller droplets to make sure all the liquids mix properly.


Some of our products wind up in small packages, others in large packages. When we fill liter size packages, our machines have the capacity to produce 7,500 – 8,000 packages per hour.

7. Process packaging