Oat Drink Barista Edition Lighter Taste

Use it just like you would use milk, cream, coffee creamer, or our original Barista Edition Oat Drink in your coffee whenever you crave a lighter sensation that allows you to have a second (or third) latte whenever you feel the urge.


Oatly Oat drink Barista edition Lighter Taste Edge 1L

Drink more lattes

Our scientists decided to solve the modern café dwellers' conundrum of wanting to drink more lattes by inventing a lighter Barista. The more neutral taste is great for any roast and puts your coffee in the front seat while delivering a lighter sensation upon consumption. You can store it at room temperature for almost a year before you open it, and it will still have that clean finish and perfect balance between coffee and oats.

Lighter fluid

Barista Edition Lighter Taste has less fat than our Original Barista Edition, but that's not the only reason for the lighter feel. It comes from a thinner and more neutral oat taste that blends seamlessly with your coffee without losing the creaminess you expect from a quality barista product. The blending is assisted by the acidity regulator we use to make Barista Edition Lighter Taste perform to the expectations of professional baristas, and the vitamins and minerals are more of a bonus feature. No milk, no soy.

More about this product

  • How do I use this oat drink?

    For cooking and baking

    1. Find any recipe that you want to cook or bake.

    2. Where it says milk, use this oat drink instead.

    For coffee, tea or hot chocolate

    1. Make the usual preparations.

    2. Use this oat drink instead of milk from a cow.

    For drinking

    1. Pour the oat drink into a glass, mug or a cup.

    2. Drink

    Need more inspiration? Watch “Will it Swap?

  • Where can I buy this amazing oat product?

    Ask your favorite store to carry it or use our Oatfinder to locate a café serving Oatly Barista Edition.

  • I hate Oatly but I don’t know how to put it in words.

    You sound like the person our digital media specialist was referring to as the “target demographic” for this site: fckoatly.com


Where are the ingredients?

Since our ingredients often differ slightly between markets they are not available on the global site.