Oat Drink
Parent friendly carton in perfect kids size. Packed with vitamins, minerals and healthy unsaturated fats*.
* Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats in your daily diet contributes to maintaining a recommended cholesterol level.
Nobody knows why drinking from a straw makes oat drink taste even better, it’s just one of those little mysteries in life that both children and adults are free to enjoy. If you give this pick-nick and lunchbox friendly drink to a kid they’ll get vitamins (D, riboflavin, B12), and minerals (calcium, iodine) together with 1.5% fat no matter if they are into vitamins and minerals or not.
No dairy, no soy, no judging if you decide to keep this drink for yourself.
Store in room temperature
We don’t put the acidity regulator used for most of our other drinks in this one because we figured it won’t be used for coffee that much, so it’s not needed. But if you decide to pour some in your coffee and it separates, now you know why. You can still store it in room temperature through both a semester and a vacation before opening.
More about this product
Where can I buy this amazing oat product?
Ask your favorite store to carry it or use our Oatfinder to locate a café serving Oatly Barista Edition.
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You sound like the person our digital media specialist was referring to as the “target demographic” for this site: fckoatly.com
How do I use this oat drink?
For cooking and baking
1. Find any recipe that you want to cook or bake.
2. Where it says milk, use this oat drink instead.
For coffee, tea or hot chocolate
1. Make the usual preparations.
2. Use this oat drink instead of milk from a cow.
For drinking
1. Pour the oat drink into a glass, mug or a cup.
2. Drink
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Where are the ingredients?
Since our ingredients often differ slightly between markets they are not available on the global site.