Oatgurt Vanilla

We don’t call it vanilla yogurt because it’s a 100% plant-based classic oatgurt with vanilla which is a kick-ass combination on its own or as the foundation of a smoothie. Also, it would be illegal for us to call it Vanilla Yogurt.


Oatly Havregurt Vanilj Vanilja 1L

It’s Totally vanilla

Hey, some people like their yogurt with a taste of vanilla but don’t want the saturated fat and dairy that usually come with it. So, we made a creamy smooth oatgurt with mostly unsaturated fat instead, and a healthy dose of calcium, vitamin D, B12, Riboflavin and iodine (If “healthy dose” is defined as 15–22% of the daily reference intake per 100 grams). Problem solved.

The future of vanilla

The Oatgurts might be the products we have refined the most through the years, constantly changing the recipe to make it even more tasty and gurty, but we’ve always kept the plant-based fibers, proteins and, in this particular gurt, the vanilla, and that’s how we plan to keep things in the future. Just like we’ll always keep it naturally free from dairy or lactose, making this product totally suitable for vegans, non-vegans and everyone in between. Also, there’s no soy. Keep refrigerated at 8°C.

More about this product

  • Where can I buy this amazing oat product?

    Ask your favorite store to carry it or use our Oatfinder to locate a café serving Oatly Barista Edition.

  • I hate Oatly but I don’t know how to put it in words.

    You sound like the person our digital media specialist was referring to as the “target demographic” for this site: fckoatly.com


Where are the ingredients?

Since our ingredients often differ slightly between markets they are not available on the global site.