As Oatly salespeople, we think it makes good sense.

With new fiscal quarters sneaking up on us every three months, we salespeople at Oatly believe it’s time to expand our oat-based product line further into institutions of higher learning.

We’ve concluded, through no research of our own - more of a gut feeling - that Oatly’s playful, inventive spirit aligns with that of a bright academic tossing Frisbee on the quad (or scrolling the Tok from a dark dorm room).

Right now we’re scouting universities that are open to selling our dairy-free oat stuff on their campuses so that we can collect a marginal profit and emphasize our brand’s relevance to the future leaders of the planet.

As proof of our commitment to the cause, we’re introducing a multipronged sales strategy.

  1. Show up on campus with oat stuff.
  2. Bring a camera to campus and film people enjoying said oat stuff.
  3. Post content on the Internet and wait for students and universities to request oat stuff.

This is why we visited the great college town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and placed cones of Oatly Soft Serve in the hands of unsuspecting students and locals. The above results speak for themselves. Witness our products being consumed by totally sane and sober people. Then watch as they ascend towards dairy-free enlightenment.

We believe that young, industrious minds want to commit to universities that work towards bettering the planet - something Oatly products can help with. We’re very sure of our instincts, but feel free to challenge our self-confidence by sending us an invite to tour your campus. We’ll bring along Oatly products and sales acronyms. The kids will love it.

For more information on bringing Oatly to your campus, please fill out the handy contact form below. (If you’re a real university person, we’ll probably even respond.)